Here’s what dentistry 2016 looks like through the eyes of the patient:
The beginning game:
I decide it’s time to do something about my teeth because a trigger event has taken place in my life or is confirmed for the near future
I hear about your dental practice (or your dentist) from a trusted friend
I search for your web site on Google (organic) or
I connect with your practice via a friend’s social media channel
I visit your web site
I read your online reviews
I download your free guide in return for my email address and my consent for you to send me a newsletter
I follow your social media posts
I read your newsletters
until I’m ready…..
The middle game:
I contact you via the web, telephone or personal visit
I attend an initial assessment and/or consult
You listen
You present your treatment plan
I decide to proceed when all of my questions have been answered satisfactorily and I trust, respect and like you
The end game:
You deliver a first class clinical outcome and customer service experience
I’m so pleased that I’m happy to comply with your requests
for online reviews
for recommendations
for a written or video testimonial
to join your membership plan
I tell a trusted friend about your dental practice (or your dentist)