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The film of the book

Back in 2013, when the first version of The Perfect Imperfectionist e-book was created, the good folks at ApexHub created a 1:36 video introduction.

It fell out of an archive the other day and so I thought I would share the trip down memory lane with you.

How much of the content changed in the last 2.5 years?

Not much.

How has it impacted my life?


My life now is simpler and much less stressful, much more fun.

I created my philosophy of Perfect Imperfectionism whilst attempting to articulate how I was feeling at the time.

With hindsight, this was the beginning of the journey from who I was to who I have become.

The resulting series of blog posts became an e-book and the e-book inspired this short illustration of the key points.

The e-book (latest and updated edition) is available as a FREE download at the top of this blog CLICK HERE

An early decision was not to monetise this philosophy.

Just to give it away on the basis that someone, somewhere, at some time might just be inspired to make a positive change.

Please send the e-book (or a link to this post) to someone that you know

The payback will be karma.


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