My new web site is due to launch next week and, with the help of Dental Focus, we have given serious thought as to how it should look.
When we are asked the question “what exactly do you do?” it does create a pause for thought:
“so what do I need to change about my branding and marketing so that people don’t have to ask me that question?”
The term “dentist” (or, for that matter, “coach”) is too generic in the current marketplace.
Our marketing has to showcase the specific outcomes that we offer, for whom and for how much (interestingly, the “how” we do it isn’t so important at the marketing stage of the relationship).
Quite a few well-wishers have asked me the “what do you do?” question now that the Coach Barrow brand has floated free again. A question on which I pondered greatly over the summer months and the answers to which have been a guiding influence in the design of the site.
We realised that my clients were, in fact, my most powerful marketing collateral.
In designing the site, we had to ask some fundamental questions.
Here are my answers:
What exactly does Chris Barrow do?
Outcomes I deliver
The majority of my time with clients nowadays is focused on:
training managers in financial analysis, marketing and treatment co-ordination
working with owners and managers on acquisitions, pre and post-purchase
working with owners and managers on the deployment and monitoring of a full marketing plan
working with clinicians on developing their communication skills with a view to increasing private sales
team training to get everyone delivering a remarkable patient experience
assistance with recruitment of managers
creating accountability for owners and managers (to get stuff done before I show up again)
My favourite clients
Owners who want to:
build a £10m micro-corporate
increase sales and profit by 100%
recruit, train and coach a business development manager
deliver a remarkable patient experience
When do I show up?
I attend half-day management meetings monthly, quarterly or for single (full) days when requested.
What is the investment by the client?
Monthly meetings – £1,200 pcm inclusive of VAT – minimum 6-month renewable contract
Quarterly meetings – £400 pcm inclusive of VAT – minimum 12-month renewable contract
Full day meeting – £2,400 inclusive of VAT
(all clients have unlimited access to me via email/Skype)
The site is due to launch on Monday and I’ll return to the subject then – I’m hoping you will see that it is radically different from the usual.