With less than 24 hours notice (and after many a conversation in the last week about “just doing it”) I’ve reluctantly decided to withdraw from tomorrow’s Manchester Marathon, pushing my next attempt back to Liverpool at the end of May.
When I share with you the list of reasons I can already hear your reaction but the head and the heart do battle about these things.
Reasons why I should withdraw:
When I’m in full training I set myself the goal of running 250km a month – I’ve run 233km so far this year;
Back in January I suffered a very sore achilles that took me off the road for a week and saw me frantically administering Ibuprofen gel to the affected area;
From there I went off to the Caribbean for 2 weeks sailing (no training);
Back for a week I managed just one 6k run at a very slow pace;
Then off to Oman for 3 weeks of wild-camping (no training);
Back from Oman a month ago today and, since my return, a smattering of 10k’s that started slowly at 01:15 and have improved to 01:02 but
The last 2 Saturdays I have trained a half-marathon – the first was an 02:34 (off road), the second (last week) was an 02:22 (on-road) and at the end of both of them I have been completely knackered – you would have had to kidnap my kids and demand a medal to get me to run/walk the circuit again;
The last 4 weeks at work have been demandingly mental;
The last week I have had 5 days on the road and this morning I’m experiencing one of my periodic burn-outs (maybe a couple of times a year) where my body and mind feel as if they have been kicked overnight by a party of Clockwork Orange skinheads;
The last few days my achilles seems to be getting inflamed again.;
I’m 63 and need to listen to my body;
I have 23 (?) marathons under my belt, nothing to prove and plenty more time to run again. I’m not buddying or raising funds for a charity;
I have already done more this year than some folks do in a lifetime.
OK – I know – I said “obvs”.
Reasons why I should show up tomorrow.
I’m male
I’m stupid
I’ve told people I’m going to do it
On reflection – I’m going to invest tomorrow morning in redesigning my training schedule for 28th May 2017 and the Rock and Roll Liverpool – a cracking day out.
This post is my catharsis – thank you for reading and, thus, helping vicariously.